Cycling in 2021: What We're Looking Forward To

Cycling in 2021: What We're Looking Forward To

Jan 08, 2021Jamie Toy
New Year...New Cycling Goals

For most people, with a new year comes a period of looking forwards, planning, and working out what cycling goals we should aim for in the coming months. Beyond the usual ‘I would like to lose some weight’ resolutions, cycling allows for much more exciting goals. 

2020 was a write off for many people, but 2021 looks to be a whole different tale. With the potential to travel again and ride in new places back on the table we ask the team in store what their plans for cycling in 2021 are.


After a trip to Girona in 2019 I have always wanted to go back and spend a bit more time cycling there. In 2020 my trip was cancelled due to the virus, so all being well 2021 will bring a holiday to the warm, smooth roads! Another goal would be a multi-day bike-packing gravel trip like the King Alfreds Way, again a trip I had planned this year but due to the virus had to postpone.



I was lucky in 2020 that I managed to complete the HotChillee Cape Rouleur just before lockdown, which was one of the best trips out there, but never quite managed to hang on to that fitness since lockdown kicked in. For 2021 I've shaken off my disdain for solo turbo sessions and taken the plunge with a Wahoo Kickr bike, which is awesome. Determined to go into Spring with a new level of fitness via Sufferfest and Zwift. So far I'm eyeing up the CycloTour du Leman around Lake Geneva in late May, a trip to the mountains somewhere in Europe in summer and a late summer triathlon (somewhere warm). To be honest just getting out on a Sunday with the full chain gang and a coffee without masks would be great. We can only dream.


My main goals this year are simple; get faster, get lighter. A big part of this is to stop being such a sunny weather cyclist and force myself to get out there even when the weather’s not so good. I also want to get in the habit of cleaning my bike after every ride. It’s a big ask for quite a small reward, but I hate when my bike is dirty and want to maintain it better too. Also if anyone can help me find a solution to cold feet whilst riding this year that would be a huge achievement!


I love to spend at least two weeks in the summer every year enjoying the trails of Morzine. Fortunately I was one of the lucky few to get out there last summer (one quarantine period later) so I’m hoping I can get out there again this summer coming up. On top of that I’d like to continue exhausting the trails of Surrey which I’m out riding my MTB on every weekend. It would be good too to improve the amount of road miles I cover too. A busy year ahead! 


I spent 2019 getting into quite a solid routine of commuting almost every day on my bike. I then spent 2020 slowly reverting back to old ways and leaving the bike at home when I went to work, so for me 2021 is all about getting back to that consistency with the commuting. I always want to complete one event of some kind, possibly something like the Brother In The Wild gravel event in Dorset in May.


david lookinggood

I have an Alp trip booked for June with my regularly cycling buddies. So for me summiting Alp D'Huez again is top of the agenda for the year! Me, Josh and Jamie managed to get to a UCI Cross event in the Netherlands in February last year too, so hopefully by the end of the year we will be able to go and watch MVDP tear up another muddy course at some point. As a mechanic I'm always building something new, so this year's big project is a disc titanium bike that weights in under 7kg. Look out for that in the coming months I'm sure we'll document it on here somwehere.



In 2020 I set myself the goal of riding outside every day of the year, I achieved that, so it seems rude not to keep up the challenge for 2021. I’ve always enjoyed being in the elements, so the plan for 2021 is to get out bike packing more and spend at least one night a month under the stars.  This of course goes hand in hand with fuelling a growing obsession for creating the ultimate lightweight and comfortable kit list.

What About Yourself?

What are your cycling goals this year? If you have any questions as to how your choice of kit might help you achieve your goals then please get in touch and we’ll be more than happy to help! 

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